Knowing how to get your credit reports and credit scores can be very confusing. There are many different options out there. First and foremost, there are a few key things to remember:
- You can get the free, annual credit reports you are entitled to by federal law at either or by calling 1-877-322-8228.
- If you have exhausted your free credit reports, you can get reports directly from the websites of the credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – for a small fee.
- Overwhelmingly, the most common credit scores used by lenders are from FICO or VantageScore. You can access your FICO score for a fee at
And, of course, as a Hanscom Federal Credit Union member, you can meet with our representatives at no charge to review your credit report and discuss strategies to help you raise your score.
So what are these other credit scores you read about at the credit bureau websites? The credit bureaus have developed their own proprietary scoring models in an attempt to compete with FICO. You have the option of purchasing these at their respective websites.
The list is:
- Equifax – “Equifax Credit Score” and a "VantageScore" from each of the three bureaus available for purchase
- Experian – “VantageScore” from each of the three bureaus available for purchase
- TransUnion – “VantageScore” from each of the three bureaus available for purchase
A couple key things to keep in mind in regard to scores:
- The Equifax and VantageScore models are used by financial institutions much less frequently to make lending decisions than the FICO score.
- Equifax is the only credit bureau that gives you the option of buying a FICO score. However, you can only buy your Equifax FICO score.
To understand your credit score and report in more detail, contact a Hanscom Federal Credit Union representative. As a member of Hanscom FCU, you can review your credit report at no charge.
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