Is your office kitchen area a savory or sour spot? Do smells emanating from the fridge or microwave turn your stomach? Do you constantly find some of your items missing, or have to deal with crumbs and dirty dishes that weren’t yours?
Aah, the challenges of office kitchen co-existence. We all know them, but what can we do to make the office kitchen an oasis rather than a scene of dish rage?
An office kitchen needs to be effectively managed, just like every other communal space in the company. But doing so has its challenges, especially if the space is crammed compared to the number of people using it.
Here are some quick Do’s and Don’ts for optimum office kitchen etiquette:
When in doubt about kitchen policies, ask the person in charge of setting and posting them. The overarching guideline for kitchen etiquette is to be respectful of the kitchen and your co-worker’s belongings. Remember: there’s no “mom” to clean up after you, so do it yourself – and do everybody in the office a favor.
Have any other “food for thought” about office kitchen etiquette? Let us know how we can all make the kitchen a little more appetizing! Post your comments below.
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