I learned two things from my no-cost Mass Save® home energy assessment: both the attic insulation and windows of my home are in great shape.
This was good news to hear before investing in central air conditioning. The auditor also helped me prioritize home energy projects on my honey-do list. As a bonus, she replaced the incandescent bulbs in my home with compact fluorescent light bulbs. This simple switch, she explained, will save me about $10 in energy costs per light bulb each year!
Did I mention that this service didn't cost me a thing?
Mass Save is an initiative sponsored by the gas and electric companies in Massachusetts to help residents and businesses manage energy use and save money. Part of the program includes the free Home Energy Assessment.
When you schedule an assessment, a qualified representative visits your house and provides expert advice on how you can save energy. The assessor checks your home’s structural integrity, analyzes its systems’ maintenance, and considers the types of products you use. You will be given a detailed report identifying ways in which you can save energy, such as upgrading insulation or replacing showerheads. Together, you can prioritize possible improvements.
As an additional incentive, Mass Save provides the opportunity to apply for 0% financing through its Mass Save Heat Loan Program. This is available for qualified energy-efficient home improvements, such as adding high-efficiency heating or water systems, using home automation to control temperatures, improving your home’s insulation, and replacing windows.
(First published 2018; updated 2024)