If the thought of another summer with window-mount air conditioning—or worse, one with no a/c at all!— has you down, maybe it's time to think about upgrading your home with a central air conditioning system. And if you have a central air conditioning system more than 10 years old, a newer model system could save you up to 30 percent on your annual cooling costs. Not only will a newer model save you money, it's designed to save energy and will be quieter than an older system.
In order to take full advantage of energy and cost savings, you'll want to choose a central air conditioning system with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, or SEER. The SEER tells you the amount of energy the system takes to provide cooling. Older systems may have a SEER lower than 10; newer, more energy-efficient systems will have a SEER of 16 or higher.
There are other ways to save on energy costs this summer when you install a new central air conditioning system or replace an old one, starting with rebates. If you get a no-cost Home Energy Assessment through Mass Save® and cooling improvements were recommended, you could be eligible for a rebate of up to $500 when equipment meeting minimum efficiency requirements is installed in your home.
You could also qualify for a $40 rebate when you replace an inefficient window unit with an ENERGY STAR-certified unit. You can also get $100 in a rebate or price discount, plus no-cost installation, of a smart or programmable thermostat. Learn more here.
If you're a Massachusetts resident ready to make an investment in your home this summer, Mass Save can help. A Mass Save HEAT Loan can lend you up to $25,000 for energy-efficient home upgrades like central air conditioning...and it's interest-free! Applying is easy:
If the thought of another sweltering summer has you down, call Mass Save today at 866-527-7283 and start the process of upgrading your home's cooling system. Not only will you feel more comfortable, you could realize some significant energy cost savings over time and increase the value of your property.
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