Hanscom FCU was honored recently with a Diamond Award from the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Marketing and Business Development Council. The award was in recognition of our achievement in the video category – for a video we affectionately refer to as “The Sally Video.”
We are pretty excited around here. The Diamond Awards are among the highlights of the year for credit union marketing and business development pros. Over 1,200 people belong to the network and the judges are all peers from other credit unions.
Maria Porto, AVP of Partner Relations, traveled to the council’s annual conference. She told me how honored she was to accept the award. “The event is a big deal. People dress up and it’s very exciting to see the winners getting their awards. It’s a huge pat on the back from people whose goals line up with our own. I am so proud of our team.”
We created the video last year to explain the importance of getting your credit score reviewed. Yes, it’s important to know your credit score and keep your credit in good shape, but sometimes we need to understand the “why” of something before taking action.
Rather than lecturing viewers, we told a story about Sally and her love affair – with a car. At the dealer, she discovers that her credit report is not up to par, and she doesn’t qualify for a loan. Once she examines her report and fixes some mistakes and missteps, she rides off into the sunset with her new roadster.
I should mention that our video was written in-house, and produced by the team at DemoFlick. They helped us make our vision come alive and we appreciate their technical and creative skills.
The video continues to help members understand the impact of their credit report, and that we can give them a free copy of their score along with advice. That’s the important thing. But it sure is nice to be recognized for a job well done.
Before you find your love life interrupted by a roadblock on your credit report, schedule a free credit score and review!